Ebb + Flow

2017 | sculpture , installation , community engagement , public art , collaborative , moiré , featured

Produced in collaboration with Jonathon Anderson for the City of Ottawa's public art program, Ebb + Flow was commissioned to be installed on the grounds of the renovated Crestview outdoor public pool.

Artist statement:

Ebb + Flow uses moiré interference patterns and motion parallax to produce the perception of movement when a viewer walks by. The sculpture is made of four steel sheets with patterns cut into them, backed on either side by a solid white sheet. The artists developed the pattern in part by isolating interesting features from designs submitted by four Merivale High School students, with the final pattern taking a bit from each. The artwork is also inspired by the motion of a flowing liquid and by visualization techniques used in fluid dynamics analysis.

Links: Ebb + Flow (video documentation)
Ebb + Flow (2017)